Invivo National Sweepstakes

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    Click here if you accept the Sweepstakes Rules (see below).
    Click here to confirm you wish to receive more information about Invivo X SJP.
              (your information will be sent to Invivo X SJP.)

    Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using
    multiple/different addresses, identities or registrations, or any other methods will
    void that entrant's entries and that entrant may be disqualified.
    Use of any automated, robotic, repetitive, programmed or similar
    entry methods or agents to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification.

    Invivo National Sweepstakes Official Rules:

    1. Prizes: One (1) Grand Prize will be awarded. Winner will each receive one (1) trip for two (1 winner and 1 verified guest) to New York City in 2024, two (2) round-trip coach air travel from a major commercial airport near winner’s residence to New York City, two (2) nights/three (3) days hotel accommodation based on double occupancy (standard room), one (1) pair of shoes from the Sarah Jessica Parker Collection with a special fitting, and one (1) dinner for two (2) at a local restaurant valued up to $300.00. Travel dates are to be chosen by the winner and are subject to availability and Sponsor’s approval. Trip must be taken on or before March 31, 2025. Winner and guest must travel on same itinerary as set by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Hotel accommodations and local restaurant to be chosen by Sponsor in its sole discretion. If the winner cannot commit to traveling to New York City on or before March 31, 2025, the prize will be forfeited without any compensation of any kind. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) $4,000.00. Sponsors reserve the right to substitute prizes described above at sponsors’ discretion for a prize of equal or greater value. All taxes not specifically mentioned herein, are the sole responsibility of the Potential Grand Prize winner.

    2. Winner determination: Potential Winner will be determined in a random drawing on or about November 4, 2024, by HP2 Promotions, whose decisions will be final in all matters relating to this sweepstakes. The total number of eligible entries received will determine odds of winning. The potential winner will be notified at the sole discretion of the Sweepstakes Sponsor either by e-mail or phone on or about November 4, 2024, and to be elevated to a Winner the Potential Winner will be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within three (3) business days of notification or prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to another winner. If a potential winner cannot be located or does not respond within three (3) business days, the prize will automatically be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. If a valid prize winner cannot be reasonably determined within 18 months from the ending date of the sweepstakes, at the sponsor’s sole discretion the prize may be altered or cancelled. Except where prohibited, acceptance of prize constitutes winner’s consent to use of his/her name, likeness and biographical data for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation. Prize is not redeemable for cash and is not transferable.

    3. Eligibility: Must be at least 21 years of age to enter. This sweepstakes is open to residents of the 48 Contiguous United States and the District of Columbia (void in Alaska and Hawaii) except for the following and their employees and their families: SMT Acquisitions, LLC D/B/A Taub Family Selections, Invivo X SJP and their respective affiliates, printers, advertising and promotion agencies, beer, liquor and wine wholesalers and retailers and employees of any federal or state liquor authority. All federal, state and local laws apply. Void where prohibited. All federal, state and local taxes are the winner’s sole responsibility. By accepting the prize, winner waives the right to assert as a cost of winning said prize, any and all costs to redeem said prize and any and all liability that might arise from redeeming or seeking said prize.

    4. How to Enter: You may enter by scanning the QR Code or via the Internet by logging on to the website at (the “Entry Site”), which is the only entry website that you can validly enter the sweepstakes at, and following the directions for Sweepstakes entry; (providing your name, address, telephone number, date of birth and (if applicable) your e-mail address [“Online Entry”]). ALL ONLINE ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59:59p.m. (PST) ON October 31, 2024. ONLY ONE (1) ONLINE ENTRY PER PERSON, HOUSEHOLD AND/OR PER E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Or to enter via mail, send a 3 X 5 card and include your Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number and Date of Birth to: INVIVONYC, P.O. Box 40216, Phoenix, AZ 85067.

    The only entries that will be considered as valid are those entered at the Entry Site or those received by SMT Acquisitions on the Official Paper Entry Form prior to the expiration of the Entry Period. No entry will be accepted or deemed valid if it is submitted through any other means.

    The Sponsor (Invivo X SJP), prize suppliers and any and all Internet server(s) and access provider(s) and prize providers (collectively, “Promotion Entities”), and each of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, parent corporations and advertising and promotional agencies, and all of their officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents (collectively, “Releasees”) are not responsible for: any incorrect or inaccurate entry information; human errors; lost, misdirected or destroyed mail entries; technical malfunctions; failures, omissions, interruptions, deletions or defects of any telephone network, computer online systems, computer equipment, servers, providers, or software, including without limitation any injury or damage to participant’s or any other person’s computer relating to or resulting from participation in the Sweepstakes; inability to access the Entry Site or any web pages thereof; theft, tampering, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; data that is processed late or incorrectly or is incomplete or lost due to telephone, computer or electronic malfunction or traffic congestion on telephone lines or the Internet or any web site (including the Entry Site) or for any other reason whatsoever; typographical, printing or other errors; or any combination thereof. Proof of entering information at Entry Site is not considered proof of delivery or receipt. Illegible, incomplete, and duplicate entries will be disqualified. All entries become the property of the Sponsors and will not be acknowledged or returned. False, fraudulent or deceptive entries or acts shall render entrants ineligible. By entering the Sweepstakes, entrants affirm that they have read and accepted these Official Rules. The Sweepstakes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. By entering the Sweepstakes, entrants hereby submit to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts of the County of Nassau, State of New York and waive the right to have disputes arising out of the subject matter hereof adjudicated in any other forum. Any entry information collected from the Sweepstakes shall be used only in a manner consistent with the consent given by entrants at the time of the entry, with these Official Rules.

    5. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY: Sponsor shall not be liable to winner or any other person for failure to supply the prize or any part thereof, by reason of any acts of God, any action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity (whether or not the action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) prove(s) to be invalid), equipment failure, terrorist acts, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal), labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot, or any other cause beyond Sponsors’ sole control. Sponsor shall not be responsible for any cancellations, delays, diversions or substitutions or any act or omissions whatsoever by the air carrier(s), hotel(s), or other transportation companies or any other persons providing any of these services and accommodations to passengers including any results thereof such as changes in services or accommodations necessitated by same. Sponsor shall not be liable for any loss or damage to baggage.

    6. If contestants are entering electronically and this Sweepstakes is not capable of running as planned, or if this Sweepstakes or any web site associated therewith (or any portion thereof) becomes corrupted or does not allow the proper playing of the Sweepstakes and processing of entries in accordance with these rules, or if infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, actions by entrants, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes, in the Sponsors’ sole opinion, corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Sweepstakes, the Sponsors reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to disqualify any entrant implicated in such action and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend this Sweepstakes or any portion thereof. ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE ( OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE SWEEPSTAKES IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND/OR CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSORS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES AND OTHER REMEDIES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. If a dispute arises about who submitted an entry on the Entry Site, the entry will be deemed submitted by the authorized account holder of the e-mail account entered (account holder must be at least 21 years old). The authorized account holder is deemed the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, service provider, or other online organization that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. A potential winner may be requested to provide the Sponsors with proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the e-mail address associated with the winning entry and that all eligibility requirements are met.

    7. Note: Internet entry must be made by the entrant only at the Entry Site. Entries made by any other individual or any entity, and/or originating at any other web site or e-mail address, including but not limited to commercial sweepstakes subscription notification and/or entering service sites, will be declared invalid and disqualified for this Sweepstakes. The use of any device to automate the entry process is prohibited. For an Official Winners List (available after November 4, 2024), or a copy of these Official Rules, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Invivo NYC Sweepstakes WINNERS LIST, 48 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington, NY 11050. Official Rules are also available at the Entry Site during the Entry Period of the Sweepstakes.

    Last Updated on July 8, 2024 2:23 PM